Flying High for Less

Flying High for Less
We all need a break once in a while – whether that’s some sun, sea and sand to wash our cares away or a trip to a secluded spot for some much needed ‘me time’ – but this does come at quite a cost. When you take into consideration the flights, the accommodation and your spending money, your relaxing trip abroad can soon turn into a money-guzzling nightmare.
Now that doesn’t mean you can’t treat you or your family to a holiday if you are watching the pennies, but it does mean that you should shop wisely to find great deals that will be a bit kinder to your pocket. Take a look at these top tips on how to save money on flights and you might find yourself seriously cutting the cost of your trip abroad.

The early bird

As the saying goes, ‘the early bird catches the worm’, and this couldn’t be more true than it is with flights. Unlike many package holidays, which reward late comers with fantastic deals, booking your air travel well in advance is a sure-fire way to save a heap of cash. The best way to guarantee an early flight booking is to plan your holiday well in advance; so if you know you fancy Spain next May, start enquiring now!

Travel off-peak

One guaranteed way to save money on your travels is to go on holiday in low season; not only are you likely to grab a cheaper flight, but you’ll probably find accommodation to be more reasonable too. This option may only be viable if you don’t have children though, as off-peak often coincides with school terms.

Choose a different airport

Don’t automatically book your flight from your closest airport as the convenience may end up costing you; take a look at your other options with airports that are a little further afield, but still within reasonable distance, and you may bag yourself a much better deal.

Travel light

Sometimes this is easier said than done, but if you are able to holiday with only the essentials then you’re going to have a bit more money in your pocket. Taking everything but the kitchen sink on holiday is going to land you with some hefty baggage charges, so only pack what you need and be sure to check the weight of your luggage before you leave for the airport.

Shop around

Most importantly, don’t forget to shop around before you book your flight. Use the internet, and the various comparison sites, to your advantage. Don’t jump at the first offer you see on the first website as a better deal might be just a click away. Invest some time in hunting down the cheapest possible flight and you’ll have a bit more spending money to play around with!

Image Credit:  This work has been released into the public domain by its author, Arpingstone